Working with ASP.NET MVC Conventions

In addition to enabling Code First development, uJet closes the gap between Umbraco and conventional ASP.NET MVC. uJet makes it possible for you to develop conventional ASP.NET MVC sites within Umbraco, while still levering the power of the CMS.

Controllers and Model Binding

With uJet you’re no longer bound by the RenderModel. Model binding allows uJet to serve your controller action methods with typed document instances. The models for Code First development are used to enable easy, typed access to the documents in Umbraco. These models can also be passed on to your views. Strongly typed views, without the need for view models.

To take advantage of this functionality, have your controllers inherit from Logikfabrik.Umbraco.Jet.Web.Mvc.JetController and redeclare your Index action methods.


In Umbraco the concept of templates and the concept of views are interchangeable; templates are Razor views saved as .cshtml files in the root of the Views\ folder.

When developing with uJet, the ASP.NET MVC naming conventions are supported. Views can be saved in controller subfolders e.g. Views\Home\, and/or as shared views in the subfolder Views\Shared\. uJet does so by providing its own implementation of the IViewEngine interface.

Views following the ASP.NET MVC naming conventions will not be treated as templates; they will not be available for manual selection in the Umbraco back office. This is by design; views following the ASP.NET MVC naming conventions are not Umbraco templates.